Explosion -proof hand pulling gourd is a simple and convenient manual manual heavy mechanical with a simple and convenient carrier. It is small and light for its own weight. It is easy to carry and lo
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It is suitable for comprehensive testing and testing devices that are suitable for my country's electrical gourd characteristics, integrated computer technology and control theory, and can realize tes
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If we compare the explosion -proof hand pour gourd and ordinary alloy steel handle gourd, then the rust -proof advantage of explosion -proof hand pour gourd is still obvious. After all Rust -proof tre
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The 50 -ton spiral jack is a mechanical jack. The spiral jack is a mechanical device that is commonly used to rise to the top. When a small external force is applied, it can raise a heavy heavy object
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Cycling is a fault that often occurs during the use of electric gourds. It manifests as a sudden failure of the brake, and the hooks and heavy objects quickly fall under the action of gravity. There a
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Stainless steel hand pour gourd is also called inverted chain. Full stainless steel hand pour gourd: In addition to the main axis, stainless steel is made of stainless steel. The main axis requires hi
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The main explosion -proof hand stubbura and ring chain hand -made pour gourds are the main materials used. Explosion -proof hand stubburies: use aluminum bronze and bronze as rough, and riot handle go
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The project uses the lifting process and methods of 5 T orbiting electric gourds during the lifting, transportation, and installation of large -caliber pipes on the equipment area. The lifting, losing
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