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The use of electric gourds in large storage tank welding



We know that there are many types and models of electric gourds, although the functions are enhanced heavy objects. But the function of different types of gourds is still different. In large storage tanks, oil tanks are usually made of welding. When installing oil tanks, there are many inverted construction methods. This method not only has a low construction cost, but also welded workers on the ground for more convenient construction. This construction method requires a large amount of electric gourd. When used, the gourd was installed on a dedicated edge column. The lower hook of the gourd is fixed on the tank, which is operated by the control cabinet. Many gourd linkages are connected to unified improvement. The welding of oil tanks is used in two specifications of 10 tons and 5 tons, and the length of 3 meters, 3.5 meters, and 4 meters is selected. Most of the gourds in this category are used together, so sometimes people also call it group hanging electric gourd.